Monday, January 28, 2013


I'm moving from this blog to a new one, as well making a few other changes to support my new Etsy name: The Shrink Ray. 

Please check out the new tumblr here

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Of Still Lives

I've been trying to draw from life more often. This is today's attempt. As much as I love pen and ink, I always hate my pictures within a few minutes of completion. Ah, well. On to the next project.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Of Resolutions and Polaroids

Above: The page on my bulletin board of my 13 resolutions for this year

   This year was a big one for discovering who I am and what I'm really interested in. Moving away from the only home I'd known my whole life and the friends I'd habitually seen during that time was definitely conductive to change. It was a clean slate, and I had to decide what I wanted to fill it with - without the comfortable old habits to guide me.
    One interest I discovered is instant photography. I just love it. The first camera I bought (sx-70 box type) was a dud though, as illustrated by the dudliest of photos above, which I doodled on later. I now have a beautiful Polaroid 250 which I'm still waiting on film for.
    Most of all, though, I realized that my first love is art, and wherever I end up in the next year, art is going to be a big part of it.

Happy new year!